Monday, November 30, 2009

just one more day...

just one more fateful day until the final release of megane moe to the public! I just have a few more small aesthetic things to touch up and then it will all be ready for online publishing.

like i had said before, i will be posting the rest of chapter one as they are completed. these pages are previously drawn out already, but just need the last bits and pieces added to complete the puzzle. i think my updates will either be scattered single page releases or in clusters of 5 or so. I would LOVE to be able to complete thoughts and ideas instead of just randomly posting new single pages. we will see how things will work out.

i hope you guys got some more of that awesome fan art bcz it will be only a little over 2 weeks until we decide on the winning 3 fan works!!! here is a new one i just received:

thank you all for following us until now, i hope we live up to all your expectations.
much love,

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